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What to expect during your Visit


First visit expectations include scanning the parent / Legal guardian driver’s license, getting the patient basic information and demographical information such as an address, phone number, preferred pharmacy, and so on to our electronic medical record database. Insurance cards should be presented at this and every visit otherwise payment is due in full at the time of service. If transferring service from another provider, please request a copy of your records to bring to us.


Subsequent Visits: We will confirm/modify the information you have on file, confirm the reason for the visit, verify insurance status, and obtain co-pay if applicable. We will obtain your vital signs, check you in the room when available, and provide optimal service for your well-being.


During each visit, we request that you supervise your child at all times either in the waiting room or in the examination room. During communication with the staff, we expect that you put phone conversations on hold

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